A Brief History
Faculty of Medicine, Turkestan State University (1919-1931)
On April 13, 1919, the formerly known Turkestan State University, announced the opening of a regional faculty for medicine in Tashkent. On September 17, 1919, Professor P. Sitnovsky was elected the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine. As well, material and a technical base for the institute were underway. On September 7, 1920, a decree set in motion the merge of the Faculty of Medicine with the State University.
Between (1921-1924) and (1924-1926), Professor KG Khrushchev and Professor MI Slonim were heads of the faculty of Medicine. During these years, the technical base and quality of clinical studies improved significantly. A new pedagogical composition was thus proposed and included the following: Professor NI Ragoza (internal and infectious diseases), AN Murzin (eye disease), ISMilman (dermatovenerology), NI Osinovsky (children’s disease), SA Molchanov (radiological), GN Terekhov (pathological anatomy), GI Ilyin (surgical surgery), SE Zimmerman (normal anatomy), M Astrov (Faculty Surgery), DA Vvedensky (urology).
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In 1922, a class of 27 students graduated from the medical faculty. In 1923, the faculty of medicine grew to 973 students, and among them 425 female students.
PF Borovskii (1926-1928) was the dean of the Faculty of Medicine, followed by NI Ragoza (1928-1929), and GP Fedorov (1929-1931). During these years, a great contribution was made in the development of the faculty.
Tashkent State Medical Institute
In 1931, the medical faculty was renamed into a medical institute. At the time, GP Fedorov, the dean of the medical faculty was named the first director of the institute. However, by the end of the year, HU Umarov was appointed as the new director.
By 1932, the institute had 1099 students and 177 teachers (25 professors, 26 associate, and 104 assistant). From 1932 to 1936, B. Sattarov was appointed the director of the institute. In 1935, the Tashkent Medical Institute was known as the Central Asian Medical Institute. By 1937, the institute grew to 1,400 students.
In 1938, MU Mirsagatov was appointed as the new director of the Institute. During this period, a number of new clinics were financed to include: experimental construction, infectious diseases, oncology, prosthetics, and orthopedics. In 1940, BI. Berliner was appointed director of the institute followed by RI. Pulatov in 1941.
During the Second World War (1941-1945), more than 10 evacuation hospitals opened up at the institute. A number of faculty professors including; DA Vvedensky, LD Vasilenko, AM Geller, BA Stekolnikov, and others joined the frontlines of the war.
In 1944, Y.K. Muminov was appointed director of the institute. By this time, Tashkent Medical Institute had trained 2,122 physicians and out of them 1,630 were sent to the frontlines of the Second World War. Among them were MA. Ashrapova, M. Muharramov, SAFayziev, NK. Ahmedov, M. Akmalov, U. Umarov, VSKarukhina, LIVaskovskaya, L.E. Stutragatskaya, SA Dopimov, FF Amirov, ND. Makhsumov, NA. Kanbulin, and others.
In honorable memory of those faculty at Tashkent State Medical Institute that perished during the war: AA Airapetov, RL Aminov, AY Gul’torov, GD Mukhanov, VI Majitov, RS Oripov, N.G. Rashchenko, Z.S. Rzhevsky, U.Z. Umarova, and U. Khikmatkhzhaev.
Following the war, in 1945, Z. Zokhidov was appointed new director of the institute. During this period, a six-year curriculum with refined educational programs was created. The institute was also better equipped with new specialized medical technology.
In 1947, Y. Kh. Turakulov was appointed director of the institute. At the time, major developments in scientific research were conducted in the field of targeted research. Yu. Lulomov (1950-1965) was appointed director of Tashkent State Medical Institute. By 1953, the number of students increased to 3,158. In 1954, the department of dentistry was established.
By mid-1960s, the institute had 57 doctors, 18 honored scientists, 13 doctors of science, and 2 corresponding members. The Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan (AA Askarov, NI Ismoilov) and 2 in the former Soviet Union the full members of the Academy of Sciences (ZI Umidov, EI Atakhanov), 57 professors, 22 of them Uzbeks.
Since 1962, students from Asia, Africa and Latin America were welcomed to study at the Institute. In 1960-1967, the evening department of the medical faculty was opened. In 1961, the institute had 4,000 students, of whom 2,395 were indigenous women.
In September 1965, the academician K.A. Zufarov was appointed director of the Institute. In 1971, in connection to the appointment of K. A. Zufarov as Director of the Central Asian Medical Research Institute, Academician U.A. Aripov was appointed new director and in position until 1984.
In 1972, more than 10 thousand students were engaged in the 2nd medical, pediatric, sanitary-hygienic, and dental faculties and 1,500 enrolled for 1 course.
In 1972, students of the pediatric faculty of Tashkent State Medical Institute moved to the Central Asian Institute of Pediatrics, now the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute.
In 1961, in Tashkent State Medical Institute there were 22 students from foreign countries, in 1980 their number exceeded 170.
By the end of 1980, the institute had 1,042 faculty members, including 6 academicians, 24 Uzbek doctors, 90 doctors of medical sciences and professors, 207 candidates of medical sciences, associate professors, and students.
During this period, the Institute improved the educational, methodological, scientific, state and international relations. The Institute established cooperation with leading medical institutions in Hungary, Germany, Poland and Russia.
In 1984, O.S. Mahmudov was appointed director of the Institute. In 1987, Professor Nikolai Shomirzayev was appointed director. During this time, students began to enter leading medical institutes in Russia and Ukraine.
First and Second Tashkent State Medical Institute
In 1990, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan established two medical institutes on the basis of the old and new buildings of Tashmi in Tashkent: the first Tashkent State Medical Institute and the second Tashkent State Medical Institute. At the first institute were faculties of medical and dentistry and at the second institute were faculties of medical and sanitary-hygienic. TA Daminov was appointed director of the first institute and Kh. Ya. Karimov was appointed director of the second institute.
Office and Training Center
In March 1992, the first branch of the Tashkent State Medical Institute in the city of Urgench was established. As well, in the city of Fergana, at Fergana State University, a Sanitary and Hygienic Faculty was created. Later this center became a branch of the Second Tashkent State Medical Institute. In 1998, the faculty expanded to become a center. Both centers began training general practitioners in 1998. In 2000, a Master’s program was created for the training of highly qualified scientific and pedagogical staff and medical specialists.
Tashkent Medical Academy
On March 11, 1992, According to the Resolution № 125 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan and Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 20, 1992, № 171 Urgench branch of the first Tashkent State Medical Institute was organized on the base of Khorezm Regional Center for Professional Development of Medical Workers.
In accordance with Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan signed on May 31, 1995 and on June 3, 1995 by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan the branch was transferred to Urgench State University as a medical center with two faculties.
On June 3, 1998 in accordance with the Resolution № 239 of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan, UrSU’s Medical Center was reestablished as a separate independent educational institution.
Urgench branch of the first Tashkent State Medical Institute was established on June 3, 1998 under the Resolution № 239 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
On July 19, 2005, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan I.A. Karimova mandated Decree No. UP-3629 establishing present-day Tashkent Medical Academy. Accordingly, this would improve the quality of training of highly qualified medical personnel throughout the nation through an effective organization of the educational process by abolishing the separate First and Second Medical Institutes to form a unified institute with new content based on the latest educational technologies for future professional medical practices.
Tashkent Medical Academy : Important Facts | |
· 8,180 contiguous acres in six governmental jurisdictions · 700 major buildings · 97% of undergraduates live on campus · Information Resource Center · Serves over 8,000 readers · Book Fund has over 600000 copies |
· 6,000+ externally sponsored Research Projects · $1.2 million Total Budget · Faculty · 680 faculty members · 4:1 student to faculty ratio |
Faculties at Tashkent Medical Academy | |
Departments of Medical Faculty
· Department of Pathological Anatomy · Department of Propaedeutic of Internal Diseases · Department of General and Pediatric Surgery · Department of Faculty and Faculty Hospital Therapy N1 · Department of Faculty and Hospital Surgery N1 · Department of Children’s Diseases N1 · Department of Children’s Diseases N2 · Department of ENT and Stomatology · Department of Neurology · Department of Ophthalmology · Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimatology · Department of Urology · Department of Internal Diseases N2 · Department of Surgical Diseases · Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology N2 |
Departments of Medical-Pedagogical Faculty
· Department of Normal and Pathological Physiology · Department of Pedagogy and Psychology · Department of Rehabilitation & Physical Education · Department of Faculty and Hospital Therapy N2 · Department of Faculty and Hospital Surgery N2 · Department of Infectious Diseases · Department of Phthisiology · Department of Psychiatry · Department of Oncology and Beam Diagnostics · Department of Radiology · Department of Clinical Pharmacology · Department of Internal diseases N3 · Department of Traumatology, Orthopedics, Military field Surgery and Neurosurgery |
Departments of Medical-Prophylactic Faculty
· Department of Histology and Medical Biology · Department of Medical and Biological Chemistry · Department of Informatics and Biophysics · Department of Anatomy and Clinical Anatomy · Department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology · Department of Pharmacology · Department of Hematology, Transfusiology & Laboratory · School of Public Health · Department of Environmental Hygiene · Department of Communal Hygiene, Occupational Health · Department of Epidemiology · Department of Hygiene of Children, Adolescents & Nutrition |
Departments of Higher Nursing Faculty
· Department of Social Sciences · Department of Languages · Department of Public Health, Organization and Management of Public Health · Department of Forensic Medicine · Department of Nursing
Departments of Professional Training Faculty · Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology N1 · Department of Dermatovenereology · Department of Traumatology, orthopedic and military surgery №1 · Department of Internal Diseases N1 · Department of Retraining and Advanced Training of the General Practitioner of TMA |